When you think about weather, what do you think about?
Sun, Rain, Sleet, Hail, Thunder, Lightning, Clouds, Tornados,
Hurricanes, Floods, and numerous other things may pop into your head.
My main interests are the later ones in the previously mentioned list, the
Severe weather. Spotting and Chasing storms is something that many people
consider dangerous, pointless, thrill seeking, or even a flat out death
wish. What most people do not know is
that storm chasers and spotters, though do enjoy what they are doing, are
very serious when it comes to doing there job. Most spotters and chasers
are volunteers with various organizations that keep in contact with the
National Weather Service. They are dedicated to protecting peoples lives
when severe weather strikes, or is even possible. For more information or
weather material and data visit my weather links.